Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Having fun with Mae and Owen. Part 1

In between the Michael Buble' concert and Joshua's family sealing I was able to take care of Mae and Owen. Rachel and Sean were running a long long race. It made it easier for me to bring Mae and Owen to my house after the concert and have Rachel and Sean come pick them up since they were going to celebrate with Joshua and his family.
Jovie and Mae loved playing together.

Eating together.

Owen loved riding the horse. I wonder where he's off too?

He helped grandma do some cooking.

Larry's niece came over to watch the kids for me on Friday when we went to the temple with Shannon and Joshua to receive her endowment. This is how we found Owen when we got home. Asleep in Ruby's bed.

On the way to the temple with Michael, Emma, Mae and Owen for Joshua and Shannon's sealing. Michael is showing Owen something on his iphone. I thought it was cute. Whatever it was Owen was interested.
In September I get to watch Mae and Owen again. Stay tuned for more fun things we got to do.

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