Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jessica is in double digits.

One of the first things Jessica said to her momma when she woke up was "Now I'm double digits". lol She had a girl friend party, a family friend party and then a family party with those of us in town. Carolyn in the background is a much loved friend.
She had gotten all of her other gifts at the previous parties but Jessica got to open the one from Larry and I at this one.

She got an American Doll for Christmas and loves it so I thought I would knit her doll an outfit. Jessica loved it. I'm glad for that.:)

I got the pattern off of a knitting forum called Ravelry. Thanks to April's help.

I just thought I'd take pictures and share them of Joshua, Shannon and Jessica.

Matt, April and Jovie. Jovie who loves bling.

Jessica took this picture of us. Linda, Larry and Jovie.

All in all this party "scored"!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pictures of Michael on his mission.

Their is a kind lady in Missouri where Michael is serving his mission that takes the Elders under her wing. She makes sure they get dinners and takes pictures of them and put them on Face book to share with the families of the missionaries. I wanted to share some of the latest pictures.
These pictures are of Michael when him and his companion were teaching her New member discussions. They were teaching her outside.

It looks like the scriptures are glowing. Truth is bursting out of them. :)

These are pictures taken from Michael's first baptism. His first companion and trainer, Elder Marston, was able to come back and baptize the gentleman. Michael and Elder Marston taught him. This is a picture of Michael, his current companion Elder Savage and another Elder.

Elder Marston (his former companion), the new convert, Michael and Elder Savage (his current companion). The smiles tell all.

Doesn't he look good!

In memory of Honey

Our dog Honey passed away this last week. We are going to miss her. I am blogging a post in memory of her. We had her since she was a puppy. She was 15 years old, that makes 105 years in dog years. She was good dog and we will miss having her around. In fact just one or two days before she died Joshua saw her wandering around by the creek and he said that she is part of the landscape. She was an outside dog, she loved to bark and bark, find bones of animals that hunters would leave and bring them home to us. Yuck but that was her:) She has been deaf the last few years. I now picture her running, barking and enjoying the freedom from her old body.
Nathan was only 3 years old when he called me and wanted to know if dogs eat pop-cycles. So Honey helped me with an experiment to see if a dog would eat a pop-cycle. Did she or didn't she?

She did.

When she was younger we had to keep her penned up all the time because she would run up into the mountains and find dead animals and roll around in them but after Bear died (her husband of 8 years about) we let her out of the dog pen and were excited to find out she didn't desire to leave our land any more. So her last few years she spent in wandering around and having lazy dog days. She deserved it.

She was so kind. This stray cat showed up at our house and Honey adopted it. In fact we called it Honey's kitty. She took care of it and let it sleep with her. They even groomed each other.

Jovie wanted to pet Honey all the time when ever she saw her. I'm sure it made Honey feel special.

We loved Honey and she will be missed.