Monday, December 2, 2013

My Little (younger) Sister

Brenda Lee  my younger sister. I have been thinking of her today as it would have been her birthday. She was born a short 15 months after me. I remember she didn't like it when I called her my little sister because she was taller than I was after we grew up. I spent time looking at pictures today trying to remember fun times that we had together. I'm disappointed that as we became teenagers we didn't get along all that great. In some things a person wishes a do-over, this is one for me. I believe that if she were still living we would have become great friends. I watch my daughters Misty, Rachel and April interact with each other as they have married, as they raise their children and live theirs lives sharing with each other and am sad that I didn't get that opportunity with my sister. Brenda was killed in a car crash not too long after starting to serve her mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in San Bernadino CA in 1982. Actually I was with Rachel in the hospital because she had spinal meningitis when I received the news. Not a pleasant time. I wish I would have taken pictures of her with Misty and Rachel. She did love them , held them and played with them. So I guess in all this rambling my thoughts are to remember that each day is a day to live, love each other and cherish current moments and memories with family. And to continue to strengthen the relationships that is family.   
Brenda (1979)
 Brenda and me (Linda) 1963 ish?
Brenda and me again on a car. 1965 ish?
Me (Linda) and Brenda standing in front of corn mom grew. I think we were there to measure the corn against us.
   Brenda at the MTC pointing to San Bernadino, CA where she was called to serve.