Thursday, March 31, 2011

Amazing sighting of 50 plus elk

It was an awesome thing to see. I looked out our bathroom window saw the elk up on the ridge across the street and yelled for Larry to come quick. I ran to get my camera so I could try and get a picture. By the time I got back a lot of them were out of sight already. But take a look...
I zoomed the picture in on my camera to try and get a closer look.
The elk are all along the ridge and this isn't even the full shot. A lot of them were already past in the trees.
This is where we thought they crossed the street right up past the archery range.
That was one of the coolest thing I've seen living here. Cooler than the bears even but Larry said it rates right up there from when the cougars walked right past him.

Larry quilting? Yep you got that right. Michael too.

The Young Single Adult branch had a service project tying quilts. I didn't think I'd ever sit with Larry and spend the evening tying quilt's. Good thing I have pictures for proof.
Real men quilt. (?)(*wink*)
Michael was showing Emma how to tie the quilt.
Something is wrong with this picture. Where are the young single adults?
We were able to finish tying 2 quilts that Marilee (our kind generous helper) is going to finish and send to the Church of Jesus Christ's humanitarian in Salt Lake City.
Not bad for an evenings work.

Sleeping Ethan and Papa J

I got to watch Ethan while his momma and big sister were packing and getting ready to move later in the day. I thought it was so cute that Ruby got up to watch Ethan while he slept.
Later that night at their new house Papa took a little nap while he was waiting for the truck to come back full and Ethan thought he must have looked hungry so he tried to feed him crackers while he was sleeping.
Ethan sure loves his Papa J.

Baby chicks! And no the coop isn't done yet.

We have baby chicks! 24 total. I picked up 17 last week and 7 this week. They are so cute. Ruby wasn't quite sure what to make of them at first. This little chick is an Araucana which will lay blue and green eggs.
Since Larry hasn't got the coop done yet I had to put them in a box in the laundry room for now.
17 little chicks are in this box. When they aren't eating or drinking they all huddle under the 90 degree heat lamp so they don't need a lot of room yet. They are all suppose to be hens but we will see when they get bigger if we got any roosters. I got 4 Aracauna's, 4 Black Autralorp's, 4 Barred Rock's and 5 Speckle Sussex in this box.
Ruby is still trying to figure out what I brought home.
Jess and Ethan came over to get a look. Ethan wouldn't hold one but he got brave enough to touch one.
Larry made me a bigger box and a week later I picked up 7 Buff Orpington's. So cute!

We should have plenty of eggs and some to share when they are laying.
Um, Larry now to get the chicken house done.

Misty's baby shower or really a "Ladies Night Out"

This was like no other baby shower I've been too. Rachel and April organized and threw a baby shower for Misty. Misty is expecting her 5th baby. I'm looking forward to meeting Hyrum! Misty's friend Rebeccah let them have the shower at her house. The food and beverages were amazing. I did help out with that part... I didn't think to take a picture until we had already dug into it.

Misty received some nice gifts from her friends and family.
I was recording who gave Misty what and so I gave my camera to April to take pictures at the shower. I was looking through the pictures and came across this one. It never fails whenever I having April use my camera their is a self portrait of her on it. I get a kick out of it, it's cute. She said how else was she going to be in any pictures.
Misty opening the gifts I brought for her.
This blanket is one of them.
Another reason besides the food that this wasn't your typical baby shower was that their were no games played. But their was a couple of henna artist that would paint on you temporary art. Misty said that in a foreign culture (India maybe) that if a henna artist draws on your belly while your pregnant it means good luck and fortune for you and the baby.
April and Rachel with one of the artist.
Brian starting on Misty.
The big reveal of Misty's art.
The party started at 5:30 and ladies were still at the shower until 10:30. Did I say shower?
I meant ladies night out.

Bus ride

Pictures from our bus ride to downtown. Rachel didn't think their would be any parking since the St Patrick's day parade was going on so we rode the bus from her house to do our shopping. Mae got pretty attached to Michael and Emma while we were visiting Rachel and her family.
Jovie came along on our bus ride too. I was so glad that it was her idea to wear her pony back pack. It was easier to keep track of her. Don't want to lose anyone.
Owen and I were playing peek a boo around Rachel. We were having a grand time.
It was a nice little adventure. As Jovie said "That was a fun date Grandma"

Birthday Boys

Larry had a birthday in February...
Owen had a birthday in March. We weren't going to be able to attend his party so we gave him his present when we were in town for Misty's baby shower. I love the big smile.
Happy Birthday Boys!


I just wanted to share a couple of pictures of some tasty treats.
Chocolate Crumble Cake
I got the recipe from one of my College friends who got it from her mom who got it from their neighbor Elder Perry's wife. I've made a few different caramel recipes and this is my favorite one.
I can't make these kinds of things too often. It's not good for the waste line. But sooo good for the taste.