Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mae and Owen's School Christmas Program 2012

Papa J and I took a short day trip to watch Owen and Mae sing in their program and spend some time with them.
We arrived at their house and set up the concrete hand making. After we set their hands in cement and decorated them we ate a yummy soup that Rachel made for us. We visited awhile and headed out to the Salvation Army where the program was being held.
Mae and Owen were SO cute !
Before the program Owen was very attentive to watching all the kids on the stage running around. He may have even looked a little nervous.

Mae before the program. This picture needed some editing and I kept playing with it and I think this make Mae look so much older than her 5 years old. My grand kids are growing up so fast.

As the little ones Owen's age came walking in Owen kept blowing in and out like he was trying not to be nervous. It was adorable.

The antlers didn't stay on too long but when your that cute you don't need distractions on your head. I love his soft curls.
Owen did such a great job. He stayed with his class and participated. Loved it.

Mae's group was adorable and she sang her little heart out.

In the finale everyone got to wear antlers. Mae looks so pretty in whatever she is wearing.

Refreshments! Who wants hot chocolate whenever you can have marshmallows?

Family picture time in front of the tree!
Papa J, me (grandma J), Mae and Owen

Sean's parents were there too so both sets of grandparents attended. Leslie and I were trying to give Owen a kiss on each cheek and he wasn't to sure about that.

Sean, Rachel, Mae and Owen. Good looking family I would say.

As we were leaving the building Owen sat in a chair and started patting it for me to sit down by him so of course I did. I love this picture if me and him.

I enjoy spending time with my family and making memories even if it's a few hours at a time.

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