Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Joshua is a huge help in getting our concrete patio in!

The patio is in!!! How exciting it that? It's not finished yet but it's in:) We are grateful for Joshua's knowledge and connections in getting it ready and pouring the concrete. Larry wasn't sure what the next step was but Joshua took the bull by the horns and wow the job got going. He has some really good ideas and so we are doing things a bit different than originally planned but it will look so good when it is done. Dad is listening.
Joshua is pointing out some of his ideas. Dad is listening:)
Joshua guided and worked and got the area ready before the concrete came and then he was out there helping lay the concrete.
He got some of the guys that he works with to come out on their day off to lay and finish the concrete. They were the most quiet patient concrete workers I had ever seen. No hurrying, cussing or frantic behavior. They had a calmness about them.
Here they are stamping the 2nd half of the patio. If you look close you can see the design on the first 1/2. It's a stone look.
It looks great! Joshua is going to wash off the concrete color powder and seal it. Dad can then start on the small back porch and roof. A roof that won't fall down.


Misty said...

It looks great! Aria says "can we finally walk back there?"

Rach said...

Remember you have to get patio furniture so we can actually use it.

ps Dad it is not a new storage area.