Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first Mother's day with no children living at home. I actually had something exciting to look forward later in the day so I didn't really even think about not having anyone here at home until after the day was over. Michael was calling!!! Buuuuttttt in the mean time I had received a wonderful surprise.
The day before Larry and I had gone to help the Stake clean up the campground for Girl's camp and on the way home we stopped at my sister's flower shop. I bought some flowers to plant and as we were leaving she gave me beautiful potted flowers to put on our mother's grave for Mother's day. Since Michael was calling I didn't want to be home any later from church then I had to be so I decided to go to the Cemetery during Sunday School and look what surprise waited me in the parking lot at church!

I actually found these two in the So I surprised them.

I'm glad I did because then they could go with me to put the flowers on mom's grave. We walked over with the flowers in Jovie's stroller.
Jovie loves to smell the flowers.

We love you mom and miss you!

P.S. The call with Michael was wonderful! He sounded good and after Larry and I talked with him a bit Michael called Rachel and she was able to get everyone in the family on the line and we could all talk at the same time. It was fun to hear the stories the kids bantering back and forth and the love for each other. It was an enjoyable Mother's day.


moxie mama said...

I'm glad I got to go with you too! We should definately make it a yearly thing.

Devyn said...

Happy Late Mother's Day! Hope you had a great day!!

Misty said...

I love all the pictures. April is so thoughtful. :)