Sunday, July 10, 2011

Preparation for the big day of Michael and Emma's wedding.

After Larry and I spent 2 months getting ready the yard, flower beds, garden, laying bricks around the house where the patio is and two weeks making and baking the desserts for Michael and Emma's reception it was time to decorate the yard. But first I have to show off the wedding cake I made.
Three tiers, white cake with oreo cooking filling between the layers. White frosting decorated with red and white flowers with the top layer covered in red roses made with frosting. Took me 9 hours to put it together and decorate it. That's not counting the baking. Besides that it was yummy.
How many men does it take to put together a gazebo? Three plus me giving hints and instructions.
Larry moved the big rocks that were in the corner and so the ground was torn up. We got sod and it looks sooooo nice. We had all sorts of helpers to lay the sod.
April, Jovie, Jeremy, Michael and Larry.
Jovie is so strong helping Jeremy carry the sod.
Their is always time for play. Ethan is trying out Jovie's bike. Loves it!
All that work (play) Ethan had to cool off.
Ainsley was making sure everyone did a good job.
April a woman of many talents. Laying sod and hanging lights.
Shannon was a huge helping cutting Michael's hair the night before the wedding. She also colored and cut Emma's hair. Both heads of hair was beautiful!
I made these bow ties for all 5 of the grandsons to wear for the wedding. Jovie and Ainsley were my models so I could get the right size.
And their mom.
I really appreciated the help that family and friends stepped in to give us to get ready for the wedding. So many talents and gifts were shared. We couldn't have done it without them.
P.S. On a side note. I am glad that Michael and Emma wanted to have their reception here. You should have seen all the work Larry got done outside to get ready. *smile*

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