Sunday, July 10, 2011

Emma's Bridal Shower

Sharing bits of Emma's bridal shower.
Do these two paper dolls remind you of anyone?
Maybe not but they are suppose to be Michael and Emma. The Bridal shower was at Alice's lovely home. The same home where I had my bridal shower over 30 years ago. Teddy, Emma's friend did a nice job of hosting the shower.
Emma enjoying the goodies.
The game of make a wedding dress out of toilet paper was played. April, Mary and I were on the same team. Mary and I dressed April with an elegant toilet paper dress. Lovely.
Emma's little sister was also dressed. 
Opening gifts was next on the agenda. She got some nice things for her and Michael.
Emma and her friend Teddi who threw the shower at the last minute because K'lah, her sister, got sick and couldn't do it. 
 And as all good stories go... They shall live...

Happily Ever After,

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