Saturday, February 27, 2016

3rd Nephi and The Conversion and Testimony of the Gospel by Harvey LaVerne Cottrell, my Dad.

3rd Nephi and The Conversion and Testimony of the Gospel by Harvey LaVerne Cottrell, my Dad.
   “It’s in the morning of September 28th, 1984. I woke up with quite a bit of pain about 1:30 in the morning. The pain medication finally took hold and I was going to give a descriptive experience that was happening to me that was led by the Holy Ghost and talk into this recording device that had been given to me by the Lord I’m sure. And I uh hadn’t turned it on at the right time or I didn’t hit the right button or something but as I went to play it back as I was going to listen to my beautiful words I was expounding on. I went to play it back and the tape was blank.  So evidently something was supposed to happen before I was to make this tape to start my journal. Well their is two missionaries working with me. I’m taking the lessons my daughter requested of me when she was going away on her mission when she was killed in a car wreck about 4 months into her mission. I was quite surprised the tape was blank. I thought I was well enough and I had my faculties well about me and knew how to run this thing. But evidently I was doing something wrong and something more was supposed to happen before I made the tape. So I stalled around doing some research on how I’m experiencing Reaganism as a vet. But some time went by and some other events happened that I won’t expound on. However I did start reading (3rd) Nephi in Chapter 11 like the missionaries that are teaching me the lessons that they instructed, yesterday when they were here to see me. Uh as soon as I started reading I knew before I had got to the words of the 7th verse of (3rd) Nephi chapter eleven that I had truly found the true gospel of Jesus Christ. A great calm has come over me. I went on to read into chapter 12. However the Lord has answered my prayer. I prayed with the missionaries when they were here. They instructed me that I would know if I asked in earnest weather this book was the true gospel and hey it didn’t take long for me to turn around and to get rid of all fears and doubts and contention in my heart. I just praise the Lord that this is happening to me. I’ve a led a sinful and neglectful life spiritually.  Although I’ve done some terrible things I’ve done some good things too. But uh if I remember the old Baptist preaching that we aren’t saved by works alone. I’m sure getting an education this stay in the hospital and just praise the Lord. This is my testimony.” Harvey LaVerne Cottrell

     Whenever I am reading the Book of Mormon and I come to 3rd Nephi chapters 11, 12 and on I am reminded of this special testimony of my father’s that he left recorded for me. The day his prayer was answered to know that the gospel was true. To know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was the restored gospel on this earth. Restored by Joseph Smith and is led by a living prophet and apostles today. That it was the gospel that had all the keys of the priesthood to perform baptism and the other saving ordinances. He learned that it is the path to return to live with God and our Savior Jesus Christ again. It’s the path for forever families.  He learned that my sister who was killed in a car accident on her mission left home to teach others this same truth and continued her mission in the spirit world for however long God wanted her too.
     My dad accepted the gospel on September 28th, 1984. Was baptized on October 7th, 1984. Was finally diagnosed with why he was so sick. It was terminal cancer. He died on October 13th, 1984. He accepted the gospel before he knew he was literally dying. 
My dad at his baptism. Dad is in the back left. These are the two missionaries that taught him.Elder Bonner and Elder Esplin and a friend of his named Jerry. 

      In 3 Nephi where my dad was reading is about Christ when he visits the American continent after his crucifixion by the Jews. He said he started reading in chapter 11 and before he got to verse 7 he knew. Verse 7 God is introducing his Son Jesus Christ to the Nephites. He said “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name – hear him.”  In verse 8 “And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them…” Verse 10 he introduces himself “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” The Book of Mormon is a 2nd testament of Jesus Christ that a prophet who lived long ago complied the records of the Nephites, Lamanites and others who inhabited the American continent long ago for us to have and read in our day. To bring us to Christ and his gospel.
     3rd Nephi chapters 11 – 29 Christ is among the people teaching them all that he taught the Jews. He teaches His gospel. Faith, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. He teaches he is the light of the world. He teaches the beatitudes. He tells them to let their light shine unto the people and do good works to glorify the Father. He taught so many things. A few are do not be angry with your brother, daily take up your cross and deny yourself the appetites of the flesh, turn your cheek, love your enemies, bless them that curse you do good to them, pray for them, serve others but not for the glory of men. He taught them how to pray using the Lord’s Prayer. Forgive others. Lay up treasure in heaven not on earth. You can’t serve two masters, ye cannot serve God and the devil. He taught many things on how to be more like the Savior. 3rd Nephi 14 verses 24 – 27 tells that those who heareth His sayings and do them shall be like a wise man, who built his house upon a rock. When the rain descended, and the floods came, and the wind blew it fell not because it was built upon a rock. But those heareth these sayings and do them not shall be like a foolish man who builds on the sand and the rain and wind comes and beat upon the house and it falls away.  My dad was converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ because of the teachings of Jesus Christ in 3rd Nephi.  I will be forever grateful.

     A side note of interest… My mom and dad were divorced when I was around 2-3 years old. He did live a sinful life. He was an alcoholic, smoked and who knows what else. But this I do know. He loved me and my little sister. He was a good man and his life was more than drinking though and I need to write it down for posterity.  He would come and take us out for hamburgers. I do have good memories of that and others. He was a good grandpa and loved my kids. Joshua (my 3rd child) was 1 when my dad died. Dad died of a cancer that was caused by his lifestyle. I’m grateful to know that there is a life after death and he could still learn on the other side to keep his testimony growing. My sister, his daughter was there to greet him as we lost him.
This picture was taken the summer of 1984. 3 months before he got so sick and died. 
Dad(Harvey), Joshua, Me (Linda), Larry,
Misty and Rachel. 
and yes I made us matching shirts...

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