It's that time of year again. Spring, the return of the humming birds, other creatures and the garden. I thought I'd share some pictures of spring time returning. I love the feel of being able to go outdoors without wearing a jacket, the warmth of the sun on my skin, hearing the frogs, seeing the birds twittering around the property, the turkeys, deer and much more.
Look what Larry found in our yard. A petrified lizard. Weird huh?
I know, I know I've blogged about humming birds before but I have to include a couple of pictures I took this year of course.
Jovie is trying to have a humming bird land on her hand. Her expressions are priceless.
The humming birds wings make quite a loud buzzing sound and it sounds like they are dive bombing you. She liked trying to get one to land on her. We stood there for a long time. We'll try again another time. Jovie wants to work in the zoo when she grows up. I can see that. She isn't fazed by touching a snake.
This double rainbow was so beautiful to see out the back door.
I've been rototilling and weeding the garden and haven't had a chance to plant the seeds yet but here are some pictures of what's growing already. I separated the strawberries and lengthened the rows and even planted another row. I know crazy. I did give some plants away but I hate just throwing the plants away and so I replanted them. I have to stop though I don't want any more rows of strawberries.
Asparagus. This is the third year for the asparagus so we can cut them off now as they grow, eat and enjoy.
Rhubarb. We may not eat all the rhubarb but it sure is a pretty plant.
Blueberries! The plants are still small but 5 survived the winter. We lost one to an animal I think that broke it off. I have no clue how it got into the garden though but it did leave evidence.
Raspberries. Lots and lots. For some reason I don't have any qualm about digging up the extra raspberry shoots that grow in the center of the rows and tossing them out.
Pretty apple blossoms.
Larry had a tree crossed over the creek for a bridge and it got washed out. In consequence to that the creek rerouted and washed out some of our land on the right. The tree has been sawed and so hopefully when the water get high again it will wash the tree down and straighten out the creek again.
We did get a little waterfall out of the deal.
Yes, I do believe spring is here.