Friday, April 8, 2011

Michael's proposal to Emma

Michael and Emma are engaged! Michael wanted to propose to Emma in a way that would be meaningful to her. He knew she loved plays and acting so he wrote a play about their relationship and recruited some of Emma's good friends and they got it organized. It turned out really cute. They did a GREAT job!
This picture is "college" but it really is representing seminary class. The actor teacher in the front is representing Larry. The girl standing is playing Emma and the boy on the far left front row is playing Michael.
Michael wrote the play from a bit before his mission and then after his mission.
Here "they" are on their first date. At the park after institute. Michael told Emma that he wanted to ask her to dance at the last dance but was kinda scared and so he asked her to dance in the park and played a song on his iphone.
Right after this scene in the play Michael and Emma were asked to come up on stage for the big finale.
The Marriage proposal.
She said yes of course!
They play was about 25 minutes long. All the organizers and actors did a wonderful job.

This proposal will go down in the journal for posterity sake!
Welcome to the family Emma!

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