Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baby chicks! And no the coop isn't done yet.

We have baby chicks! 24 total. I picked up 17 last week and 7 this week. They are so cute. Ruby wasn't quite sure what to make of them at first. This little chick is an Araucana which will lay blue and green eggs.
Since Larry hasn't got the coop done yet I had to put them in a box in the laundry room for now.
17 little chicks are in this box. When they aren't eating or drinking they all huddle under the 90 degree heat lamp so they don't need a lot of room yet. They are all suppose to be hens but we will see when they get bigger if we got any roosters. I got 4 Aracauna's, 4 Black Autralorp's, 4 Barred Rock's and 5 Speckle Sussex in this box.
Ruby is still trying to figure out what I brought home.
Jess and Ethan came over to get a look. Ethan wouldn't hold one but he got brave enough to touch one.
Larry made me a bigger box and a week later I picked up 7 Buff Orpington's. So cute!

We should have plenty of eggs and some to share when they are laying.
Um, Larry now to get the chicken house done.

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