Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Too cute not to share

I've been watching Jovie and Ainsley a lot lately. One reason is that April is going to school a couple of evenings a week to become a Dental Assistant. I have some cute pictures of Jovie that I want to share.
Let me set this first picture up. Jovie is rather an active busy little 2 year old. She rarely slows down and she thinks that Grandma J is her own personal play mate and  shouldn't do anything else but play with her. I mean she's so adorable how can I resist. When her mom and dad brought the girls over one time for me to watch and brought Jovie in like this I had to take a picture. She stayed asleep in her car seat until 25 minutes before I was to take her home. So Ainsley got some one on one grandma time.
We went shopping for Clara's 2 year old birthday present. I wanted to get her a purse. Jovie helped me pick it out and then as you can see she really got into the shopping spirit.

I took Jovie upstairs in the office so we could make a drum out of an oatmeal container and she found the costumes out and quickly grabbed onto the "pretty" skirt and wouldn't give it back to me. In fact she still has it. As soon as Jovie put it on she started swaying her hips and dancing. It looks like I'm going to have to get more for all the granddaughters.

Future hula dancer?

1 comment:

moxie mama said...

i'm glad she has so much fun with you :) it makes it easier to leave knowing she loves you so much and gets to have so much fun!