Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ahh Hawaii... Oh wait that wasn't me.

That's right I didn't go to Hawaii but I stayed 10 days and 9 nights at Misty and David's house so THEY could go to Hawaii. Aren't they lucky? It's the longest Larry and I have ever been apart. Awwww you say?
The week was busy busy busy. I had left home armed with my camera ready to take pictures for the week. Then I realized 'like right' that was going to happen. Ha! By the end of the week when I turned them back over to their parent's I was just grateful that the kids were all still alive, healthy and I didn't lose a single one. :)
Their was a lot of soccer during the week between practices and games but it was so cold, windy and rainy most of the time those who weren't playing or practicing sat in the car watching.  So no pictures of that. Plus I have to admit I left the camera at Misty's house.
Nathan and Aria had school during the week and after school were the extra curricular activites the kids were involved in so their wasn't a lot of time to do "fun" things with all 4 kids but during the day while the 2 older kids were in school I have to admit Gabe, Clara and I did some fun things with Rachel, Mae and Owen.
Rachel came over to Misty's to watch the kids so I could go pick up my new wall oven for our house. Yay!!! I went to the warehouse to pick up the oven and the loaders started putting it into the back of the van and it wasn't going to fit. Men! I told them if you turn it the other way it should slide right in. And of course it did.
We also went on a bus ride one day.  We started out walking to the bus stop with Rachel's fancy new double jogging stroller.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town.
Gabe, Clara and Mae. This is Gabe and Clara's very first bus ride. Mae is a pro at it. Gabe was in Awe. He was so excited that he didn't have to wear a seat belt. It was awesome he said!
Mae and Gabe driving.
Clara had a turn too.
We went downtown and had a picnic.
Holding hands to stay together was the theme of the week. That was my biggest fear was to lose one of them.

I asked which of them wanted to go to Disneyland. They all 3 raised their hands. Someday...
One afternoon at Rachel's house Gabe and Mae played in the backyard while Clara took a nap.
Gabe was a little monkey and climbed the tree.  He wanted me to get him out of the tree. He's looking at me like what's taking you so long... Well?
Gabe and Clara found flowers under the tree and picked some. Mae put two and two together. Flowers + boy, flowers + boy = marriage! She grabbed Gabe's hand and said "let's get married". So they walked hand in hand with flowers and got married. Gabe let go and Mae kept trying to grab hold of his hand and tell him to get married. He kept telling her that "I'm already married!" I went in the yard and married her too, to give Gabe a break. lol.

I wanted to watch Nathan in his Karate class at least once during the week. So the rest of the kids and I went into his class and we are sitting quietly watching and then all of sudden Clara yells out GO NATHAN!
We all got a good chuckle.
Fine haired Clara + Trampoline= Wild hair girl.
Owen had changed so much since I had seen him a month ago I needed to take a picture.
Such a doll!
Mae, and Aria cuddling with Owen. Clara is sad that their isn't enough Owen to go around.
Saturday after we drove to a whole different town so Nathan could play in his soccer game we met up with Rachel, Mae and Owen to go see How to Train a Dragon. Great movie! I had to do something fun with the 2 older kids since they were in school all week.
Let's see throughout the week I was told I was the best cook ever. How could I not fail at that since I made them whatever it was they wanted to eat.
I was told I was mean. I let one of the kids have the last of a type of cereal  before a different kid came into the kitchen for breakfast and wanted it. I wouldn't make the 1st kid give up the cereal.
But best of all I was told I was loved. Hugs and Kisses were and are always welcomed.
I also brainwashed Gabe. He would tell me that he missed his mom and dad. I would tell him that I missed his mom and dad too and then I would tell him that  I also missed Uncle Bud, Ruby and Papa J. So after the first couple of times not only did Gabe miss his mom and dad but he missed Uncle Bud, Rube AND Papa J. Gotta love it!
In the end I was grateful for my iphone with the camera on it or I would have a total of 3 pictures from the week. I am so happy that I was able to watch the kids and spend some time with them. I was afraid though that when I had to take on the role of "mothering" instead of grandmother that they might not like me when it was all said and done. You know it's different when someone is telling you it's time to get ready for bed. Remember to brush your teeth. Is your homework done? It's time to get up for school. Don't hit your brother or sister. Hurry up we're going to be late. Plus I am not Misty and we do things different. The kids were great though. They were excited mom and dad came home and mom and dad were excited to come home too. I stayed a tiny bit to watch the kids open the gifts their parents brought them back from Hawaii and then I went home to Larry and Ruby.  Oh wait that wasn't right. I went home to Larry, Ruby, Joshua, Shannon, Jessica, Ethan, April, Jovie and Ainsley. They were all at the house when I got home and a beautiful sidewalk welcome home sign welcomed me. Uncle Bud is on his mission still. I miss Uncle Bud.
I know the kids still love me because a week or so when they got back they went to the circus with their parents and thy were so excited to tell me all about it and Gabe says Grandma you should have come with us! They still want me:)

1 comment:

Misty said...

Aw, I'm glad you blogged about it. It's nice to know what they were up to. :)