Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our long awaited Ainsley has arrived.

Yes our long awaited Ainsley arrived February 28th after waiting for her an extra 2 weeks past her due date. Ainsley was born at 1:41 am and was 8 lbs 8 oz. Poor April was soooooo ready to have her that it was actually scary to call April for fear of losing your head. Just kidding... she did amazingly well for being so far past due. But the main thing is Ainsley is here and her and April are doing well. Ainsley arrival was in no way uneventful though. I won't make you wait for a picture of Ainsley and her momma before I tell the story. Don't they look great!
I called April Saturday evening to see if they wanted to come over and have dinner with us the following day. I can imagine how miserable she must be feeling and most likely not in the mood to be cooking. I'm surprised when she tells me that they are just going to stay home on Sunday because they had been gone all day on Saturday. I get to bed about 11:30 pm and Larry comes into the bedroom with the phone on his ear about 1:08 am. saying April's on the phone and she says that you better get over to her house. I talk to her briefly and she is sounding calm saying her contractions are 10 minutes apart but they think I should go ahead and go to their house so I will be there when they have to leave. I am staying with Jovie so they don't have to wake her up. I get up and quickly get ready to go. I grab my clothes and stuff for the next day and get into the car with my pajama's still on.  I have driven 10 minutes and I get a phone call from April...
April - "Where are you?"
Me - " I am almost to the freeway, will be there soon "
April - " Something's come out of me. A bubble with lots water" (She is sounding very frightened) The Ambulance is on the way. Hurry!"
I hang up, start going faster and start calling her sisters, dad and brother to tell them to pray for her and tell them the little I know. Yes I am crying.  OH CRAP! There ahead of me is the sheriff on the freeway. I have to slow down. I figured it would be faster if I went the speed limit than get pulled over and have to tell him the story. Then I thought if I did get pulled over and told him would he do what happens in the movies and be my speeding escort to April's house or would I just get a ticket. I decided not to chance it. What was irritating is that he was only going 50 mph. I finally couldn't take it any more and I passed him going 58 mph. Finally he turned off the highway and I got to speed up only to run into another Policeman in the little city April lives in. Driving fast, crying and praying as I got to April's I passed the ambulance about a block from their house. I pull up to the curb of their house and their are still a couple of EMT vehicles there and an EMT officer came up to me to reassure me that she was going to be ok. I run in the house and Matt runs out. He needed to stay until I got there because Jovie was asleep. He runs the car seat in and he gives me a hug and tells me it's going to be ok. That is reassuring because Matt can be a worry wart too:). He tells me he'll call as soon as he can.  On the floor is a very wet towel with 1/2 of April's water sac on it. An EMT officer comes in and thankfully picks it all up to take it to the hospital. Within 20 minutes I receive a phone call and Ainsley has been born. Ainsley had the cord wrapped around her chest in an x and was not breathing. The 3 nurses delivered her and did a wonderful job of getting her to breath and do the things a new born should do. Prayers were answered. Ainsley and April are both doing good. I got several phone call updates and so I would call the family and let them know the updates. Finally we could all rest. Well, except I did forget to call Larry back once. Ooooops.
Well now for some pictures. Precious aren't they?
Ainsley is happy to be here.
First family picture. April, Ainsley, Matt and Jovie.
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home... Jovie is loving her baby sister. She is going to be a good big sister.
My first opportunity to hold my youngest grandchild. I love her soooo much already and I'm so glad she's here. The youngest until Rachel's baby Owen gets here.
Papa J is loving Ainsley. We brought Jovie back to see her baby sister so Papa J got to see and hold Ainsley. April and Matt wanted to have very private time with just them, Ainsley and Jovie but since Jovie can't drive herself we got to see Ainsley too. Lucky us.
It was such a beautiful day that Jovie and I went to the park to play. Jovie loves to swing and kept saying higher.
She got to feed the squirrels peanuts.
We went to look at the ducks and she was going to put her fingers through where the geese were but I told her that they might bite her fingers so she quickly put them behind her back and kept them there.
It was a good "birth" day for their family. Welcome to our family Ainsley!


moxie mama said...

its fun to read the story from your point of view. thanks for taking care of jovie! also you must have been a wreck if matt was reasurring you ;)

Rach said...

Man I wish I could write good stories. I think I may dictate my story to one of you guys to type for me.