Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Randomness catch up -Parade-Fair-Soccer

I thought I'd blog a few events at the same time. Jovie at the SE parade and fair. Then a quick trip to see some grand kids soccer games.
April, Jovie and I went to the SE parade. It was fun to see the expressions of Jovie while she experienced it all.

Jovie caught on pretty quick about the candy. You had to run out faster than the big kids to get it.
Ha ha got it.
Yippie more candy!!!
Jovie wanted to join the parade all morning.
Off to the the fair. Papa showed Jovie how to ride the bucking bronco.

Matt and Jovie got to ride on some of the fair rides. What fun!

Even without David around Larry's iphone helps to keep him from getting bored. I think he was playing golf.
Off to see the soccer games. It was 41 degrees and really really cold. But we endured. Blankets helped a lot.
Aria played well. She got a goal too! I think she was the warmest of all of us:)
Nathan watched Ruby for me. That was actually really helpful since I was taking care of Mae today.
Nathan played goalie and was kicking the ball away from the goal. He did great!
Gabe was so cute playing. Earlier before we left for his game he said "Grandma you are so excited to see me play, huh". For sure I was!
During the afternoon games April was getting her hair cut by Rachel and so I was watching both Mae and Jovie:) The games were all over and Misty had a great idea. She plopped Mae in the stroller right behind Jovie. Mae was liking it. Jovie was tolerating it lol. It was sure handy for me though.

I thought this was cute. Gabe, Jovie and Clara all playing the piano at the same time. One of all the grandkids favorite things to do with me while I'm at Misty's house is to play dancing music on her piano and we boogie. It's so fun!

1 comment:

moxie mama said...

thats so funny you had both the girls in the stroller. good thing we took it!