Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Huge pumpkins and more

My garden has produced well this season. I've put in a lot of work and we have enjoyed the bounty. I have also shared with others since their was just so much.
We were able to eat some corn on the cob and then I picked it all and cut it off the cob and froze it. We will enjoy it this winter.
Tomato's, tomato's and more tomato's. We have eaten tomato's, I have given tomato's away, I have made at least 25 pints of freezer salsa, Four + batches of spaghetti sauce and I still have tomato's in the garage and on the vine. I will be making more spaghetti sauce ect. Plus I may just give more away... I practically see tomato's in my sleep.
I'm so proud of the red pepper. This is the very first red pepper that I have grown that actually didn't go bad on the vine while it was turning red. I picked it and I have one more on the vine right now almost ready to pick.
Zucchini's start out as huge beautiful yellow flowers.
Now for the pumpkins. I grew large pumpkins so I could let the grand kids have them for Halloween. I have 4 really big ones so each family will get to have one of the pumpkins. I'm excited to give them to them. I hope they like them.
These two are smaller and have smoother skin and they come from the same seed packet.
I'll keep these most likely.
I have Ruby sitting by the pumpkins so we can see how big they are. She was so good posing for me.

This ones a little smaller than the other 3.
The garden is slowing down but the produce is still growing. Believe it or not I am still picking strawberries. I'm getting a cup or two every 2 or 3 days now. I also have had enough jalapeno pepper and green peppers for the salsa I've been making and have a bunch of them in the freezer too. I did learn this year that I planted too much for Larry and I so next year I will not plant as much. I'll still plant a little extra so I can share but definitely not 10 zucchini plants or even 7 tomato plants. I'm anxious to see if the Butternut squash and acorn squash turn out good. I'm leaving them on the vine as long as possible. I actually tried some acorn squash earlier and it was not ready so hopefully leaving it on longer it ripened more.
I'm grateful for our produce but I'm also grateful I live in the part of the country that the ground and plants need to sleep in the winter.

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