Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The rest of the Christmathanks weekend story...

Among everything else we had planned for the weekend after Christmathanks day Larry's brothers daughter Emily was baptized. Here are some family pictures taken at her baptism.
Jessica and Aria found cute matching dresses from an upscale store called Seva that morning as we were shopping.

This is a picture of Larry's parents with all the grandchildren and great grandchildren with some of the spouses of the grandchildren too. The baptism day Emily is in the red dress on the left in the front.

Here are the 5 great grandchildren of LaVerne and Evelyn born within 6 months of each other. All 3 girls are Larry and mine granddaughters. Aren't we lucky!
Eli, Daniel, Clara, Jovie and Mae in front.

Here's a lap full. I think they enjoyed it though.

Here are the babies with their momma's. How fun it is going to be for them at our family gatherings to have cousins so close in age to play with.
Rachel and Mae, April and Jovie, Maryanne and Eli, Misty and Clara, Teresa and Daniel.

I love this picture of Clara and Larry looking at each other.

We enjoyed making, baking and decorating ginger bread cookies. They were yummy and the kids had fun making and eating them.

Maybe you can answer this question for me. Why do we let our grandchildren do things in our home that we normally wouldn't have allowed our own children do like throw footballs in the house back and forth to Papa J? Getting to be softy is what I'm thinking.

It was a great weekend and many memories were made. Now to rest... HA... what's that?


moxie mama said...

it really was such fun! i can't wait til next year, lol. :-)

The Mac Attack said...

It was fun but I cant wait to rest also. Maybe in January. I can only wish.